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Selling Activities - Take Action on Live and Recently Ended Listings
Managing your Listing
Relist your item - didn't sell first time?  
No insertion fees if you sell it the second time!
Revise your item if you need to make a
change to an active listing
Add to your item description if it doesn't have
a bid and isn't ending within 12 hours
End your listing early if you've experienced
some unavoidable circumstances
Cancel bids on an item under special
Change your gallery image - make it better!
Promote Your Item - add a listing upgrade to
stand out from the crowd
Manage Bidders - restrict who can bid on, or
buy your items

Managing your eBay Store
Open a Store to establish your online brand
Edit your Store to help make it attract more buyers
Cross-Promote items in your Store to your buyers -
help increase sales

Other Selling Activities
Request buyer contact information to get in touch
with your buyer
Report an unpaid item if you haven't received
payment from a winning bidder / buyer
Leave feedback for buyers of your items
View your account status an outline of your balance
and fees charged
Manage Picture Services - upload, crop or host
your own pictures for your eBay listings

Subscriptions & Personal Information
Upgrade or cancel your eBay subscriptions 
Update your personal information
Seller Preferences - change your preferences for email,
payments, selling etc