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Manage my Store

We have updated the "Manage My Store" page experience. This temporary guide will help you navigate to other related seller tools.

Manage promotions

  1. Go to Seller Hub.
  2. Select Marketing tab.
  3. Select Promotions on the left side of the page.

Time Away

  1. Go to Seller Hub.
  2. Select the Overview tab.
  3. Scroll down to view "Selling tools". 
  4. Select Time Away.

Traffic reports

  1. Go to Seller Hub.
  2. Select Performance tab.
  3. Select Traffic on the left side of the page.

Advertisement preferences

  1. Go to My eBay.
  2. Select the Account tab.
  3. Select Advertising preferences under Account preferences.  


  1. Go to My eBay.
  2. Select the Account tab.
  3. Select Permissions under Account preferences.  

Sales Report Plus

  1. Go to Seller Hub.
  2. Select the Overview tab.
  3. Scroll down to "Selling Tools".
  4. Select Sales Report Plus.

If you don't see "Sales Report Plus", access the "Sales Report" below.

Sales Report

  1. Go to Seller Hub.
  2. Select the Performance tab.
  3. Select Sales on the left side of the page.

Listing Frame

You can edit your Listing Frame using this link.

Additional site navigation