5 min overview

Returns, items not received and refunds for buyers

In most cases, if your order doesn't arrive, or is faulty or damaged, you'll get your money back or a replacement. Most sellers accept returns if you've changed your mind – check the listing for details of their returns policy.

To help you find the information you need, we've put together an overview of how the process works, with links to useful articles.

When an item doesn't arrive or you need to return something:

  1. Open a request to let the seller know that your item hasn't arrived, or that you want to return it.
  2. Try to work things out – we ask sellers to respond within 3 business days and resolve your request.
  3. Ask eBay to step in and help if the seller hasn't responded or things aren't resolved.

Let the seller know by opening a request

If you want to return an item, or if something's gone wrong with your order, the first step is to open a request from your Purchase history. Most sellers are happy to work with you, but if you're unable to resolve an issue or the seller doesn't honour their stated return policy, you may be eligible for eBay Money Back Guarantee.

Get help with an item that hasn't arrived

If you haven't received your item, you can check to see when it's due to be delivered. If the estimated delivery date has passed and you're still waiting, report that your item hasn't arrived so the seller can help you out.

Return an item for a refund

If you've changed your mind about an item, check the listing for full details of the seller's return policy. Most purchases are covered by eBay Money Back Guarantee, which means that if the item arrives damaged, is faulty or doesn't match the listing, you can return it for a refund – even if the seller doesn't accept returns.

Get help if you bought as a guest

If you bought an item on eBay as a guest, you can still request a return or report that an item hasn't arrived, and the seller should help resolve your issue.


Try to work things out with the seller

Once you've opened a return request or reported that an item hasn't arrived, the seller should respond within 3 business days.

Check the status of your request

You can check back regularly to see the seller's response and to find out what you need to do next.

Return postage for buyers

When the seller has accepted your return, you need to send the item back to them. Who pays the postage costs depends on why you're returning it.


If the seller wasn't able to help, ask eBay to step in

Most of the time sellers will be able to resolve your issue, but if they haven't responded after 3 business days or they haven't been able to fix things for you, we're here to help.

Ask eBay to step in and help for buyers

When we step in, we'll review the details of your case and get back to you and the seller with our resolution. For more information about how eBay decides the outcome of a case, see eBay Money Back Guarantee.

Appeal the outcome of a case as a buyer

If you disagree with our resolution after we've stepped in, you can ask us to take another look. You'll have to provide additional details, such as photographs showing what's wrong with the item.

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