2 min overview

Posting your items

Getting your items delivered quickly, safely and cost-effectively is an important part of providing a great buyer experience. Find out everything you need to know about postage on eBay.

Our guides to postage will walk you through everything from adding postage details when you create a listing, to packing your item and uploading tracking details once your parcel is on its way to your buyer.

Estimated delivery dates for sellers

Learn how delivery times are estimated.

Postage rates

Find out about postage rates, and how to calculate your postage costs.

Tracking items you've sold

Learn how to upload tracking details for items you've sent to a buyer.

Labels, addressing and packaging tips

Find out how to buy and print postage on eBay, what you need to know about changing order addresses, and tips for packing awkwardly shaped items.

Setting up your postage options

Learn about the range of delivery options that you can offer your buyers.

eBay Fulfilment by Orange Connex - opens in new window or tab

Learn more about a new fulfilment and delivery solution for business sellers.

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